Tri-Star Arts

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Tri-Star Arts serves Tennessee by cultivating and spotlighting the contemporary visual art scenes in each region while fostering a unified state-wide art scene. Tri-Star Arts programs promote art dialogue between the different cities in the state, and between the state and the nation.

Tri-Star Arts initiatives include a gallery space and artist studios at the historic Candoro Marble Building​, annual Current Art Fund​ project grants, the Tennessee Triennial, statewide collaborative projects, and the​ web resource.

How to Submit an application

We will follow-up with you about your submission by email. Please be sure to whitelist notification emails from Submittable and check the email you used to sign up for your Submittable Account regularly. Check out the Submitter Resource Center or reach out to Submittable's Customer Support team with any technical questions here.

Tri-Star Arts